Text by Fiammetta Cesana

When you try to keep your interlacing web of logics and feelings in tiny boxes of glass, ignoring that the order of physical world has already organized them in perfect texture system of synaptic connects, where any information is properly sent through luminous messages, and, suddenly, what you believed was merely a chaos in your head you should have hidden from the universe’s judging gaze, appears covering the whole room, perfectly fitting that space in front of you, opposing your fears and rationality and revealing them at the same time. The inner turns into outer, the chaos suits the order, the imaginary reaches the matter, the flashy colors give you calm.

Nei Alberti’s “Directed Tensions” will immerse you in the ineluctable force of opposite stimuli and its sudden outcome of magic.

His site-specific installation at Copernico Centrale’s art and culture space is a fantastic walk through unexpected sculptures, made of fabrics, whose primary colored are brightened by led-lightening, which recall a masterfully intervened nervous system. These sculptures are meticulously stick into standing glass boxes, while one of them explodes just around the corner of the room you get in. A beautiful metaphor of life’s and human contrasts, from the minutiae of human spirit, apparently confusing and disruptive, to the manifestation of surrounding existence reflecting our mess, which has always been a mystery to us and a reason of isolation, and finally making it meaningful and clear.

Directed Tensions_Nei Alberti_site specific installation_thread_colors_led lights_Copernico Centrale Milano

Alberti who is likely to construct his operas in outdoor environments, further outlining the interdependence of human interiority and natural defining structures, insists on the idea that every creation is accomplished through a coherent sequence of contrasts and negations, which consistently alter the direction of the subject in the making process. Installing a blue web of lycra and thread into a Church, Catalan artist also makes us question individual’s need of connection to the spiritual dimension. What is more filled with binary oppositions than religious thoughts? Good and evil, sacre and profane, dark and light, earthly world and afterlife… at the end, our inner mess is due to the ability of discerning, choosing between right or wrong, one way or another, and it is comforting when you realize that something (universally) bigger fits the uncertainty of life – produced by people’s infinite possibility of choice – into a cosmic stability.

Alberti’s colorful sculptures of fabrics so look like an existential synthesis, whose perfect equilibrium is built on the negation in itself.

Directed Tensions_Nei Alberti_site specific installation_thread_colors_led lights_Copernico Centrale Milano
Directed Tensions_Nei Alberti_site specific installation_thread_colors_led lights_Copernico Centrale Milano

“…rationality vs unconsciousness, surprise vs intuition, spontaneity vs reflection: it is actually upon such a dialectical opposition that my work takes inspiration”, Alberti says.

Directed Tensions_Nei Alberti_site specific installation_thread_colors_led lights_Copernico Centrale Milano

To know more about “Directed Tensions” installation by Nei Alberti visit: Copernico Centrale Milano