Text by Chidozie Obasi

With life beckoning the realm of uncertainty in a time plagued by global upheavals, the resolute state of escapism could rely on the arts sphere. As humanity is encouraged to embrace collective efforts to defeat the calamities amidst modernity, it’s somewhat timely to breach into a reality that enables us to drift away in thoughts and transports us to new dimensions at simple sight. Marta Bevacqua beholds an extraordinary starry-eyed approach to photography, delighting a vision in sheer beauty. There’s an exquisite layer of pure beauty that totally fascinates me. “I try to reveal narratives through my art. Stories that everyone can understand and imagine. I’m used to living in my own world of fairies and whimsical elements, and the fact is that my pictures somehow reflect my creative landscape,” she explains, having said that her vision is feminine, idyllic and pure with a focus on the calm and the soft. No surprise here. “Each form of art is very different and can convey different stories through expressions and emotions. True identity appears when you respect this difference,” she reflects.

There’s a powerful thread that couples-up vulnerability and strength in Bevacqua’s work, and on these lines a significant intensity soars high. The unshakable allure pervades a thrilling purpose that serves to bolster a status of utter refinement, fine-tuning a prodigious vision capable of making one’s mind wander away. “I think it’s something quite spontaneous. I treasured following my instinct, and my style slowly developed, and it ended up being delicate and romantic. I always try to find the best situation during a shoot, and everything balances in a spontaneous way I don’t need to push for further” Bevacqua humbly says. She’s a lover of nature – that raw, almost untouched, viciously honest untamable force.
Years have shaped the creative maven quite remarkably, slowly sculpting a distinctive photographic voice with her intimate, soft and ever graceful narrative. Marta’s work is just as uprising as art is in its realest essence, opening up a lofty edge of elegance to further interpretation. Bet you’re daydreaming.

Equally as compelling in regard to her subject matters, we sat down with the photographer to talk about leading inspirations, her appreciation of identity, beauty and reflected on her journey so far. You’re welcome.
How would you define yourself?
I’m a simple person, reserved and reasonably shy, even if, when I feel comfortable no one can stop me from talking. I love reading, writing, and of course taking pictures. I’m very attached to nature.
How about your art?
I try to express stories through my art. Stories that everyone can understand and imagine. I’m used to living in my own world of fairies and whimsical elements, and the fact is that my pictures somehow reflect this aspect. I’d say that’s the main reason my works are rich in visual storytelling.

When did you first pick up a camera?
It all happened at the end of the high school. I loved looking at beautiful imagery online, and then I decided I could try to come up with something similar too. I picked up a broken camera I found at home and I never stopped capturing ever since.
Romance and subtlety are recurrent themes in your photos, yet tricky to capture and feign. How do you tackle balance when studying a subject?
I think it’s something quite spontaneous. I treasured following my instinct, and my style slowly developed, and it ended up being delicate and romantic. I always try to find the best situation during a shoot, and everything balances in a spontaneous way I don’t need to push for further.
It seems the female gaze is what you crown the most in your work, added by an elegance that appears to be compelling. Can you elaborate on your creative process and means of inspiration?
I usually take inspiration from a vast range of resources. I can have an idea from a book, a movie, or from music. It can also be a beautiful place, a magical light or a model who hooks my attention. Of course, I’m inspired also by the hundreds of images I see every day on the web too, but I’d say living the ordinary has propelled me to capture the beauty I see on a day to day basis. Once I feel the idea is coming to me (it could be a concept, a particular scene, a mood or even a little motion), I usually do an image research to define the idea in my head (preparing a moodboard when necessary), and to be able to describe it to my team. Even if everything is quite clear in my mind, at the end I always improvise a lot, and that’s what I like the most. Starting from a precise idea, and then just go with the flow and the interaction between me, the model and the location whilst shooting.

The images you shoot are both on film and digital. As you’ve grown amid the digital wave of creativity, why do you think most photographers are drawn to film?
Film makes you think more about the pictures you are taking. I’m quite attracted by film because of this: it’s slower, you can’t see the result directly, and you need to think before pressing the button. It’s something I also carry out with digital, but if I’m shooting a movement scene, I shoot a lot of them. On film, I try to catch the perfect moment and you really feel what you’re doing, especially because you’re living that particular moment. Also, the result in film is beautiful, especially on a lighting side.
It’s tricky. How do you define the line between identity and beauty when discovering them?
Each beauty is different and can tell different things through expressions and emotions. Identity appears when you respect this difference.
What’s your favourite shot?
One self-portrait I took in Svalbard, with the most magical light ever and in the most magical place ever for me. It’s about the perfect place at the perfect moment, and such comes very handy when encapsulating something.
What are you drawn to these days?
I’m working on several new projects, photos and videos, and also writing stories. The short answer is I’m working on stories, through different outlets of expression.