Current Issue #18/19
LUCK [Y] 福
VOL. 18/19 fall/winter 2021
Homo faber fortunae suae: a motto that has animated western culture since ancient times. Fortune understood as chance, as Fate, but also, and above all, as a paradigm to be dominated and influenced by one’s own choices. The new issue of CollectibleDRY therefore sets out to investigate this theme in its many facets. From the Lady Lucky who alternately influences the lives of human beings, to the intangible presences that push us towards one choice rather than another. At the centre, however, there is always man, with his works, his poetry, his art.
The human intellect has continually questioned itself on the theme of fate, which is often imponderable and mysterious. CollectibleDRY’s journey therefore winds its way through the past and present, with an eye to the future. For this reason, we start from the work of the great Poet, Dante Alighieri, investigating the inseparable union that binds him to the visionary genius of Alexander McQueen. The Florentine poet’s verses are living matter that pulsates in a new guise in Mimmo Paladino‘s contemporary reinterpretation. Epiphanies, visions, mysterious and poetic apparitions fuel the entire experience of the famous Italian artist, who tells his story in the pages of the new issue of Collectible DRY, in an almost initiatory journey to illuminate new aspects of our consciences.
The alternating fortunes that govern human affairs bring together two minds that are geographically far apart. The stories and words of Tomo Koizumi and Roberto Capucci interpenetrate in an inseparable symbiosis, which feeds on the exchange between art and fashion to find in the experiences of the past the tools to look to the future.
Luck becomes the leitmotif for rediscovering the customs and traditions of the Roma and Sinti cultures, with an interview with activist of the Kethane cultural association, Morena Pedrali, in the awareness that we need to rethink our origins to face new times.
This awareness also guides the work of photographer Gianmarco Porru, who uses Sardinian costume and folklore to rediscover the identity of his territory. In this case, the search for luck, understood as good fortune, is connected with many ritual practices investigated by the photographer’s lens.
In this issue, the performance artist Renate Bertlmann, pioneer of the feminist avant-garde, retraces her visual research, which, thanks to a practice centred on the body, love, society and eroticism, has indelibly marked the “queer” imaginary. It quickly became iconic, not without scandal and opposition, due to its explicit sexual references.
Natalia Ginzburg wrote that “Dreams never come true, and the instant they are shattered, we realise how the greatest joys of life lie beyond the realm of reality”. This could be an interpretative key to investigate the new media, the hyper-connected world in which we live, and to search for other meanings that open up new perceptions of reality. The new perspectives on the contemporary are those offered by Ryan Prevedel, in a generational exchange that aims to merge different understandings. Ellen Sheidlin, on the other hand, introduces us into her hallucinated and dystopian dimension, where the monsters of hyper-technological spaces and those of the unconscious meet, in a relationship in which art leaves the canvas to flow into life.
The fragile and ambiguous relationship between nature and new technologies, on the other hand, reverberates in the work of Tobias Gremmler, the visual artist who proposes a utopian coexistence between the digital world and the real world. His collaboration with the singer Björk has given shape to hybrid beings in which human transfiguration follows the poetry of digital graphics.

Digital artist Tobias Gremmler collaborated with Björk on the making of the music videos of
“Tabula Rasa” and “Losss,” both taken from Utopia, her latest album.
Morse coding signals They pulsate
They wake me up
From my hibernating Björk, Pagan Poetry, 2001

Tomo Koizumi wears a couture dress from his 2021 collection.
Photography Packy Chong

Maestro Mimmo Paladino, in his studio, wearing a velvet jacket over t-shirt and trousers Giorgio Armani.
Photography Roberto Orlandi.
Artwork: TESTIMONE, 2017. Cast bronze, 196 cm x 67 cm x 46 cm.
I believe that today as never before, even though we live in increasingly dilated contests,
in which contacts are very fast,in order to resist we must never abandon our roots.
Mimmo Paladino

Maestro Mimmo Paladino, in his studio, wearing a wool crêpe jacket in a deep shade of blue Giorgio Armani
Photography Roberto Orlandi.
Artwork: Senza Titolo,, 2020. Mixed media on panel, 180 cm x 200 cm x 6 cm.
The artist no longer needs only brushes. A kind of total art is necessary in the light of all the attempts that have already been made.
Mimmo Paladino

Sara wears dress with feathers and Ibrahim B. wears shirt over trousers Gucci.
Jewelry Gucci Link to Love.
Photography Salvatore di Gregorio
These nymphs, and other races,
Are full of happiness forever.
Who’d be happy, let him be so:
Nothing’s sure about tomorrow.
Lorenzo De Medici, A song for Bacchus, 1490

Ryan Prevedel wears jacket and pants over a jacquard jumpsuit Prada.
Photography Fréderic Monceau.
A project by Domenico Costantini & Filippo Solinas.
Dreams never come true, and the instant they are shattered,
we realize how the greatest joys of life lie beyond the realm of reality.
Natalia Ginzburg, The Little Virtues, 1962

Matteo Ferri wears a fur duffle coat Burberry
Photography Lorenzo Marcucci.
Fashion Simone Folli.
And in that drowsiness
is the light… in the innocence a baby
has, or an animal, or an instinctual libertine,
is true purity… the most heroic
from “Gramsci’s Ashes”, Pier Paolo Pasolini, 1957

Ellen Sheidlin wears a dress with latex details Alessandro Vigilante.
Photography Matt Colombo.
Fashion Simone Folli.
You won’t burn / Red red roses You won’t bleed / Pinks and posies Confess to me girl / Red red roses Go down!
Kate Bush, Waking The Witch, 1985
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