By Diletta Accorroni and Fiammetta Cesana
Cover picture art by Sara Shakeel
“During this time of isolation, we need connection now more than ever. Call your loved ones, write virtual love letters. Technologies like virtual communications, streaming and broadcasting are part of our community collaboration. We will learn to kiss and hold each others through the waves of the web. We will feed each others, re-destribute wealth, strike. We will understand our own importance from the places we must stay. Communion moves beyond walls. We can still be together.” – Mimi Zhu
In such a confusing and scary historical moment, many people are reacting in constructively by presenting themselves throughout social media with intelligent and sensitive behavior. The excess of physical exposure, superficial statements, and end-in-itself flaunting of expensive lifestyle seem to be (finally) gradually replaced by a more conscious attitude and authentic beauty’s models – enhancing our prettiness in a more natural way ca be indeed a first big step to live differently and more wisely.
Celebrities in particular have (hopefully) understood that they have the power to engage their followers even through deep messages, rather than mere narcissism and show off. And we wish this would become the new status quo!
An example of this is with no doubts embodied by Miley Cyrus, who just launched an engaging IG show named ‘Bright Minded’. The format she made is charming, appealing, totally different from the traditional ones, of course…and worth a view even just for the wonderful music intro!
Every day, at 11.30 am PST, the American singer and actress posts a new episode in which she gives tips for better mental health, fundamental in days like these, while we are inevitably besieged by scary news.
Her aim is to “collect” and connect fans, focusing on positive, interesting and – quite often – funny thoughts. Whether this is a message about meditation from a VIP or from a psychiatrist giving nutritional advices.
Miley Cyrus, seated in her living room with a comfy look, admits “I have not gotten out of these sweatpants for about five days, and I have no plans of doing it any time soon”. This confirms that Authenticity is the Mantra for many stars now and that perfect selfies luckily are not a thing anymore. We wish Miley could be that “low profile” more often, because deep messages alike represent what we need more, always, not only in these circumstances.
However, ‘Bright Minded’ is not an isolated case. The “collective” aim, the challenge acceptance – making the content viral in a few minutes – and the spontaneity of the celebrities, can also be spotted in other profiles.
Alicia Keys, in this tough chapter of our lives, shows her philanthropist side. The American Grammy winner, actually, is sharing a few videos and inspiring thoughts on her IG account, aiming to spread “good energy” and love. And again, Simplicity is keyword, while she films herself in a basic hoodie and big earrings – her trademark – with no make-up on.
The video has a warm-colors filter with many hearts popping out; an aesthetic which reflects Alicia’s words, filled with gratitude, messages of hope and tips. For example, she encourages to consider this period as an opportunity to get a little bit more internal and turn off our technology devices. Why not giving it a try?!
Michelle Pfeiffer, on the other hand, is spreading daily important info on how to beat the virus and she also takes part in the #IStayHomeFor challenge. Her days are fulfilled with actions full of appreciation towards all the healthcare professionals who are helping in these circumstances, that she even admits to keep on procrastinating washing her hair.
Our stunning covergirl Martha Hunt (she is starring on both Issue #13 covers) is doing her best too in spreading the right advices and entertain her audience. She not only shares workouts and interesting tips with her followers, but she has also created a section on her IG Highlights called ‘COVID 19-relief’. It includes literally any information you might need, with a special focus towards her community, one of the most important concept in these days.

Many are also the influencers who show a desire to help the sectors of the society in need of an extra help and take part in the so-called #DoYourPartChallenge. Hailey Bieber, Demi Lovato and Karlie Kloss are just a few of those, making themselves available in helping families and neighbors through free meals. After an high numbers of unnecessary Challenges (from the #BucketHead until the recent #DollyParton), the web find itself useful again for a much more noble ambition.
Celebrities are not the only ones who are trying to play an important role in this solidarity campaign. Actually, are countless the fashion brands and Holdings showing their commitment in fighting against Covid-19 with both donations and goods production (and probably they are even more than the ones we acknowledge considering those that didn’t declared their actions).
In Italy – among many others – Valentino donated a combined €2 millions (to support Sacco Hospital in Milan and Protezione Civile Italiana) while Armani reached the same amount of money through donation and announced the conversion of all its Italian production sites to manufacture disposable lab coats for the health workers. On Wednesday 18th March, also the Tuscan Prada Group gave its own contribution, through the production of 80,000 medical overalls and 110,000 masks to be allocated to healthcare personnel. Gucci and Ermenegildo Zegna as well have taken part to the solidarity race and many more fashion brands are doing some good without shouting from the top.
Talking about the UK, also JW Anderson and Burberry are taking part to the fight. The former would donate 10% of its online sales to AKT, a charity organization which supports young and LGBTQ homeless.
And then Burberry not only converted its production into masks and protective clothing manufacturing, but it is also supporting the vaccine development and a few food charity organizations.