For her coronation, she walked down Westminster Abbey in ermine cape and Imperial State Crown. A few years later, in the Sixties, she has been wearing white gloves and a pale suits. During her well deserved vacations, she walks her Corgies Sandringham or Balmoral, wearing wellington boots, a Barbour and an Hermes headscarf. For public appearances she always wears bright pastels, to be immediately recognized in the crowd by her subjects (and by the secret service agents that protect her).
Whatever she wore she never ever forgot to wear her ‘it’ accessory: a hat.
According to the English press she seems to have worn over 5000 hats. Adorned with feathers, bows or flowers, the “royal hats” always match the color of Her Majesty’s outfits. In her 90, she is not only the world’s longest running monarch, but also one of the most stylish.
Long live our noble Queen (and her pretty headgear).