tHe MaGiCaL wOrLd Of LyRiC lAn
An exclusive interview with Lan Yingying: a figure who embodies a versatile femininity, effortlessly blending tradition with modernity, and establishing herself as a leading presence in today’s Asian film scene
An exclusive interview with Lan Yingying: a figure who embodies a versatile femininity, effortlessly blending tradition with modernity, and establishing herself as a leading presence in today’s Asian film scene
Artworks by _agglomerati_ hosted by Collectible DRY on view at Colla Super until March 3, 2023
The artistic performance by Raffaele Greco at Colla gallery, sponsored by Collectible DRY x Manintown
This special issue of Collectible DRY, has as its special identity precisely the concept of My Favorite Things, that is, the willingness to choose and propose a selection of topics to the community of readers that a magazine represents
A sneak preview of the exclusive collaboration between Collectible Dry and Antonio Marras. A sensational fashion story — deriving from the designer’s fascinating exhibition at the Triennale di Milano — will be in Collectible Dry’s third issue, out February