An IcOniC PaRtnErsHip fOr PreStigIoUs EnViroNmEnts
Luxury and refinement unite in a unique collection by Thom Browne and Frette
Luxury and refinement unite in a unique collection by Thom Browne and Frette
A divided Paris: on one side, the unrestrained luxury of Fashion Week's catwalks; on the other, violent clashes over the death of a young man at the hands of a police officer. It's not a dystopian novel, but reality. The city presents a serene façade of fashion, with trends of quiet luxury, new masculine forms, and eccentric couture. The industry, though connected to the surrounding reality, doesn't come to an abrupt halt. Yet, it's understandable that some raise an eyebrow at the narrative of luxury without awareness of the context, but Paris, amidst Fashion Week and protests: the ethically dramatic aftermath of "the show must go on"
Minimalist and maximalist approaches coexist at New York Fashion Week, but the essence of the body is the key point of every collection
Home run! Overall, it was a great season for designers showcasing at Paris Fashion Week. Let's discover why...
Fashion story by Simone Rutigliano, Photo by Valerio Nico
Thom Browne highlights again his endless love for sport launching a limited-edition completely dedicated to golf