The artist designed an open air curtain on the sea. The model, completely nude, stands still with closed eyes. Her right arm is connected by a wrapping to the ground, creating a “tableau vivant”. The performance is accompanied by a violin, a cello and the wind coming from the pre-stormy sea.
A family composed by a man and a woman in a dreamy mood, a blood bond that makes the distance between the subjects and its author.
A 500 meters wrapping linked to intimate parts of the model which creates a great root of wide braiding connected to the head of the model. This performance is accompanied by two violins and the a cell, with a text composed especially by the artist.
Private TDF by:
Artist: Thomas De Falco
Performer of “waiting”: Eloisa Reverie Vezzosi
Performers of “Solo”: Jemberu Perucchini and Mercedes Alves
Curator: Laura Cherubini
Photographer: Tassili Calatroni
Videographer: Antonio Chirvì
Where: Masseria Torre Coccaro, Puglia, Italia