A Dialogue Between Time, Space, and Design
Experience Salone del Mobile 2025: a celebration of design’s power to suspend time, illuminate ideas, and bridge cities.
EpHeMeRaL BaLaNcEs
Amid her poetic exploration of nature's rhythms and the delicate balance of time, we had the privilege of engaging with Marta Luna Valpiana, a sensitive artist who weaves dreams and transformation into every creation
ThE PoEtRy oF OrNaMeNt
"Civilizations Without Jewels Have Never Existed” at 10 Corso Como, Milan. Curated by Alessio de’ Navasques, the exhibition runs until February 16, 2025, showcasing Branzi's jewelry, objects, and visionary design philosophy
Where am I?
The Seventh Edition of The Milky Way Unfolds Today, January 25th, at Galleria Continua in San Gimignano
Across Ink and Time
Montblanc honors the transformative power of travel at Salone dei Tessuti, exploring journeys around the world and the creative process of writing
Iconic Disruption: The Lasting Mark of Oliviero Toscani
Oliviero Toscani leaves behind a void measured in images and ideas—visions that rewrote the very meaning of visual communication. Fearless in creativity and irreverent by nature, he made photography a political and poetic act, probing the soul of our times with ruthless courage. A master of an art without compromise, he was much more than a photographer: a builder of consciences, an irreplaceable part of our cultural and social history. Collectible DRY is pleased to remember his creative mind by revisiting an interview conducted by our Editor-in-Chief Silvia Motta, first published in Collectible DRY VOL. 4 Summer 2017
From Stars to Shapes: SUPERNOVA and The Legacy of Radical Design
Organized by Fondazione Zimei, SUPERNOVA shows how creativity can push boundaries and spark new possibilities, like a star’s explosion giving birth to new celestial bodies
Timeless Narratives Beyond Fashion: Art Basel Miami
During Art Basel Miami Beach 2024, the city becomes a global crossroads where fashion and art merge into a multisensory experience. This is not merely about showcasing collections or installations—it’s a tapestry of narratives that blur the boundaries between luxury aesthetics and creative impulses. Here, fashion transcends its role as a consumer product, transforming into a dynamic canvas that reflects and amplifies contemporary cultural themes
An ArTiStIc PlAy: FiDiA FaLaScHeTti’s TaKe oN mAtTeL
Fidia Falaschetti merges the playful world of Mattel with contemporary art, bringing to life the exhibition PLAYDULT
“SàLvAtI SaLvàTi”: JaCoPo BeNaSsI’s FlAsH oF TrUtH iN ChAoTiC TiMeS
A barricade of light and shadow that challenges boundaries, emotions, and the fractures of our society
Collectible DRY Magazine ISSUE #27
MeAtrAcK: aN exPlOrAtIoN Of InTeRcOnNeCtIoNs bY James Taylor-Foster × ĒTER FoR wEeKdAy
Weekday unveils a one-of-a-kind art installation developed by the creative collective jtf × ĒTER. The relationship between art and streetwear is still alive, and is talking about identity and intimacy
Il GeNiO dElL’oRdINe ScOnVoLto: ElIo FiOrUcCi In MoStRa AlLa TrIeNnAle
I gesti di Elio Fiorucci emergono come segni tangibili di una creatività che ha scosso l’ordinario, mentre le parole dei testimoni catturano il fuoco delle emozioni di allora. È un rituale in cui i ricordi danzano con le parole, azioni di un’epoca in cui l’arte, la passione e la ribellione si univano in un unico movimento. La mostra “Elio Fiorucci” che inaugura oggi presso La Triennale di Milano, curata da Judith Clark e allestita da Fabio Cherstich, diventa il palcoscenico di questa celebrazione, rivelando come l’arte possa trasformare la realtà e ispirare il cambiamento
Massimo Giorgetti e cc tapis x Fondazione Franco Albini, Galleria Ordet, via Adige 17, Milano, dall’8 al 12 ottobre.
ArT aNd Ai MeEt In mIlAn
Lenovo and MEET Digital Culture Center unveiled “AI Yoga for Artistic Intelligences”: a new exhibition that unites art and artificial intelligence
Reimagining iconic spaces of the Old City: Alberto Agosti presents ALAGOS
Alberto Agosti unveils his new exhibition, ALAGOS, a provocative and immersive journey through Milan's historic workshops
The "Piatto Rosso" exhibition at MAD Murate Art District in Florence brings together 104 red plates designed by international artists
FrAgIle BeAuTy: “LIkE a CaNdLe iN tHe WiNd”, PHoToGrApHy at tHe V&A
The Victoria & Albert Museum, in collaboration with Gucci, is presenting a prestigious photography exhibition from 24 May, featuring works on loan from the private collection of Sir Elton John and David Furnish, thereby further solidifying their prolific artistic partnership with the V&A
PiNo PaScAlI, An eXhIbItioN
A display of exhibition, a pacifist speech, an afternoon of games, a misadventure of the imagination; it's a happening entrusted solely to objects
Humanistic Artificial Intelligence
Brunello Cucinelli delves into AI with a new online project
The Ephemeral and the Permanent in Contemporary Street Art
At the Avani Rio Novo Venice Hotel, Endless explores the fine line between the ephemeral nature of his urban works and their representation in institutional contexts, inviting us to engage in a profound meditation on the role of art within the realms of consumerism and media culture
Gian Paolo Barbieri Beyond Fashion
The new exhibition of master of fashion photography Gian Paolo Barbieri
LoVe ThE DifFEreNcES
Fondazione San Domenico presents Michelangelo Pistoletto's 'Love Difference,' a radiant art manifesto overlooking the Mediterranean seashore
In MEMorY of BIll VioLA
A recall of Bill Viola's legacy
Rara Avis: Fashion in Flight
The Colosseum Archaeological Park in Rome stages a unique exhibition devoted to bird-themed haute couture from some of the most famous fashion houses in the world. Curated by Sofia Gnoli, the exhibition of sumptuous clothes and accessories is hosted in the 16th-century Farnese Aviaries on the Palatine Hill, set in the world's first botantic garden
Collectible DRY Magazine ISSUE #26
A Fresh Look at Fashion Photography at Saatchi Gallery
LuXuRy And SpOrTs At ThE CoRE of PArIs 2024
Luxe conglomerate LVMH, a premium partner of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, has proven its unwavering support for the success of the sports competition by preparing a series of events throughout its extensive portfolio of luxury brands
HuMaNiSM WiTh aN ExhIbith
Until the 16th of June, the Italian Renaissance is being honored in the latest exhibition held at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. With more than 200 objects on display, the museum aims to highlight the major aspects of Renaissance humanist culture and create an ambiance where intellect, art, beauty, and science showcase a part of European history. Only a couple of days are remaining to visit the exhibition. Hurry up!
LoRo pIaNa cElEbRaTeS ThE PiOnEeRiNg gEnIuS Of cInI BoErI
During Milan Design Week Loro Piana Interiors pays tribute to the work and philosophy of the Milanese architect and designer Cini Boeri in the centenary of her birth