Annakiki's creative director Anna Yang

The result is the very first capsule collection “Annakiki for Huawei” co-created with the assistance of Huawei P30 Pro’s Artificial Intelligence, and presented, together with the latest Huawei’s mobile device, last May 9th at the Huawei’s Fashion Flair event in Milan.

The Chinese mobile company, and the designer neither, don’t seem to be worried about the controversies taking place in the States lately. Although Trump’s threat to ban Huawei as any telecommunication products he considers comprising for national security, and despite the following Google’s reaction of interrupting Android licence for Huawei’ devices, the company keeps on its way, aiming to develop products able to help people in their everyday routine. It doesn’t give up and does define all the querelle as a truly betrayal against the increase of opportunities and creative freedom. Keeping high the spirit of innovation, founder Ren Zhengfei fierily affirmed: “US sanctions won’t damage the company’s core business and spirit of innovation”.

Annakiki for Huawei capsule collection

“Humanly Possible” project is a concrete example of Huawei’s resilience and it gave us a practical demonstration of how strongly believing in a dream is the key to achieve it. The mobile company in fact showed that also the cold and heartless Artificial Intelligence could be a valid visionary support and aid for the very mankind.

Archiving more than ten of thousands images from the most iconic fashion show of the last 100 years, the Huawei P30’s A.I. was able to design itself garments that were sources of inspiration for the forward-looking Annakiki’s designer.

The capsule collection sees pieces of brand’s iconic silhouettes such as oversized suits and puff sleeves as well as details developed from the accurate observation of some of the several Huawei P30’s functions, like those of the high zoom and the lowlight photography. The hues, indeed, directly steals from phones’ color palette, which is then an homage to the natural tones of the aurora, the sunset, the night and the beach. Always devoted to the beloved concept of the innovation, Yang chose experimenting materials – acetic acid, self illuminating and reflecting fabrics – mixed up with the classic denim and velvet and the precious ostrich feathers, silk and fur. The futuristic outcome, however, was due also to human touch, to handcrafting techniques that made the garments unique.

Annakiki for Huawei Capsule Collection