Text by: Fiammetta Cesana

Art at Your Home_ Sabrina Amrani Gallery_Online Viewing Rooms_From Home_Joël Andrianomearisoa_ And soon great days will come again
Joël Andrianomearisoa_And soon great days will come again, 2020_ Paper magazine, collage, frame_Courtesy of the artist and Sabrina Amrani
Art at Your Home_ Sabrina Amrani Gallery_Online Viewing Rooms_From Home_Joël Andrianomearisoa_ Le temps mort d’une nouvelle vie
Joël Andrianomearisoa_Les Temps Morts d'Une Nouvelle Vie, 2020_Paper magazine, collage, frame_Courtesy of the artist and Sabrina Amrani

One of the best news today is that Covid-19 has no chance to infect creative intelligence. The power of making art, of transforming a period of fear and chaos into flourishing inspirations and sharing is the way to be together beyond the psychical. 

In this struggle valiantly won by our minds and feelings, it’s impressive the number of frontline art fighters, like international talents and independent organizations, which are getting amazing initiatives and works out of this period of confinement. 

The one we want to share with you today is that of Sabrina Amrani Gallery in Madrid which, instead of cancelling its exhibitions’ program until further notice, has decided to convert its physical site into a digital programming that everyone can access to enjoy ongoing solo and group shows. To further involve the remote public into the artists’ works, the openings of each exhibition is broadcasted on Zoom (you just need to download the app to join the events!). 

Art at Your Home_ Sabrina Amrani Gallery_Online Viewing Rooms_From Home_Joël Andrianomearisoa_ Exercice de peintre autour d’un noir irréprochable
Joël Andrianomearisoa_Detail of Exercice de peintre autour d’un noir irréprochable, 2020_Oil on wood_Courtesy of the artist and Sabrina Amrani

The latest show which came online on Sabrina Amrani’s platform is that of Joël Andrianomearisoa (accesible from this link), produced as he was already stuck in quarantine. The Malagasy artist has been able to give voice to his current thoughts and emotions by creating artworks with household tools he could find within his Parisian flat. Art stores are closed now, but there’s plenty of objects in our home we can reconsider as valuable replacing art suppliers! “From Home” of Andrianomearisoa claims the concrete possibility of venting our creative soul without stepping out the door. 

Art at Your Home_ Sabrina Amrani Gallery_Online Viewing Rooms_From Home_Joël Andrianomearisoa_ Kitchen exercises in three chapters
Joël Andrianomearisoa_Kitchen exercises in three chapters, 2020_Metal, found object in 67ha Antananarivo, nails_Courtesy of the artist and Sabrina Amrani

“These objects are explorations to forget time but above all to affirm the vital necessity of creativity”, the artist said. 

Other exhibitions, including the film “Geometría Popular” by Dagoberto Rodríguez (accessible from this link) which reveals an existing geometry between any human relationship, conflict and interaction, are now on display.

Art at Your Home_ Sabrina Amrani Gallery_Online Viewing Rooms_Geometría Popular_film_Dagoberto Rodríguez
Dagoberto Rodríguez_Image of ‘Geometría Popular’, 2020_Courtesy of the artist and Sabrina Amrani

So let’s give yourself a cultural, healthy break and visit the shows at: Online Viewing Rooms Sabrina Amrani Gallery