“Symbolizing is discovering the world. But if the symbol is used as a fetish, then it becomes a perverse act, good for fleeing in front of mystery. The perverse one abhors the enigma, manipulates the dream, seeks to bend it to the desire to maintain the status quo of their vain illusions.”
In every era and in every artistic form, art presents itself as a powerful symbolic vehicle capable of conveying ideas, emotions, and universal concepts. Every work of art, whether it be painting, sculpture, music, or literature, is imbued with symbolism that reflects the universal expression of human experience.
Through their work, artists communicate not only their personal experience but also themes and symbols that resonate with the audience, thus creating a connection between individual expression and collective understanding. However, the interpretation of art is inherently subjective, as the meaning of a work can vary depending on the cultural, historical, and personal context of the observer. In this sense, art becomes a mirror of the unconscious and collective imagination, offering an opportunity to explore deep human and universal truths. Despite the evolution of styles and techniques throughout history, the symbolic power of art remains unchanged, demonstrating its intrinsic ability to communicate abstract concepts and emotions across time and space.
What, to this day, does “symbolism” mean to us, and what do we define as “symbolist”?
If, academically, it’s an artistic and literary movement that originated in the late 19th century, primarily in France, and generally distinguished itself using suggestive icons and depictions to express abstract ideas, emotions, and concepts, for us today, ‘symbolism’ continues to have different meanings depending on the context. The symbolic value arises from a careful observation of reality, not from its manipulation. If you look at it with intention, reality surprises you, shakes you, disturbs you, leaves you speechless.
The context in which a work of art is created and received can significantly influence its symbolism. Cultural, social, political, and historical elements can serve as inspiration for the artist and influence the audience’s perception of the work.
Reflection of the unconscious and collective imagination: Some works of art can be seen as manifestations of the artist’s individual unconscious or the collective imagination of a society or era. In this sense, art can serve as a mirror to reflect and explore deep human and universal truths.