Netflix launches the new horror series with Oliver Jackson-Cohen, who will be starring on our November issue!
Comments on the web circulating for months over the “The Haunting of Hill House” trailer are raising the bar more and more… but it seems that Netflix won’t disappoint its subscribers’ expectations. Actually, the ingredients for the perfect horror recipe are all there: haunted house, isolated forest landscape, and memories of a tormented childhood. Everything seems to call for an imminent success, that is available on the internet platform from tomorrow. But who is the star that will make us shake in fear?
Oliver Jackson-Cohen, 31 years old, born in London, thanks to his 1.91 meter height is considered a giant in the world of cinema. His greatness, however, is not given only by physical stature, but also by a considerable professional path: Oliver can be claimed to be part of the enfant prodiges caste. Passionate as a kid of “Home Alone” tv series, he decided to start the acting career at six-seven, attending the French school and separately studying at theater, in French as well. Then he joined the Young Blood theatrical organization with Carey Mulligan and Imogen Poots. Over the years he got several roles in different productions, from the movie “Going the Distance”, to the series like “Duke of Cambridge” where he played Prince William, or the NBC “Dracula” where he was a journalist. That of “The Haunting of Hill House” is not his first controversial character: in 2017, the British actor join the “Man in the Orange Shirt” cast, included in the BBC’s Gay Britannia Season which celebrated the 50th anniversary of the 1967 Sexual Offenses Act.
Not everyone are able to realize their childhood’s ambition, but Oliver seems to have made it. “I’d probably be a therapist’s dream. I don’t actually know what it is, I don’t even think it’s a desire to be centre of attention, I think there’s something quite freeing about disappearing from the world and being someone else for a while, and I think that’s what I love – see therapist’s dream” – Oliver said in an interview.
Don’t miss DRY next issue to see Oliver’s shooting…